Student Life
Bell Schedule
1: 8:05-8:46
2: 8:50-9:31
3: 9:35-10:20 (Morning announcements and official attendance)
4: 10:24-11:05
5: 11:09-11:50
6: 11:54-12:35
7: 12:39-1:20
8: 1:24-2:05
9: 2:09-2:50
10: 2:54-3:35
Students may reenter the building (after alerting security) until 3:45 PM for clubs and must go directly to the club meeting.
Everything a student needs must be brought to the club meeting as there is no going to lockers or any other location after the meeting.
A club advisor must be present at all club meetings
Plan on staying for the entire meeting.
Advisors should be walking students out of the meeting location at 4:20 PM and everyone exited the building by 4:25 PM. The building is cleared by School Safety at 4:30 PM.
Lunch Menu
Testing Schedule
Does not apply to quizzes.
Monday: Make-up/World Languages
Tuesday: Science/Studios
Wednesday: English/Health
Thursday: Math
Friday: Social Studies
Code of Conduct
Students have a responsibility to:
attend school regularly and punctually and make every effort to achieve in all areas of their education
be prepared for class with appropriate materials and properly maintain textbooks and other school equipment
follow school regulations regarding entering and leaving the classroom and school building
help maintain a school environment free of weapons, illegal drugs, controlled substances, and alcohol
behave in a manner that contributes to a safe learning environment and which does not violate other students’ right to learn
share information with school officials regarding matters which may endanger the health and welfare of members of the school community
respect the dignity and equality of others and refrain from conduct which denies or impinges on the rights of others
show respect for school property and respect the property of others, both private and public
be polite, courteous, and respectful toward others regardless of actual or perceived age, race, creed, color, gender, gender identity, gender expression, religion, national origin, weight, citizenship/immigration status, sexual orientation, physical and/or emotional condition, disability, marital status, and political beliefs, and refrain from making slurs based on these criteria
behave in a polite, truthful, and cooperative manner toward students and school staff
promote good human relations and build bridges of understanding among the members of the school community
use non-confrontational methods to resolve conflicts
participate and vote in student government elections
provide positive leadership by making student government a meaningful forum to encourage maximum involvement
work with school staff in developing broad extracurricular programs in order to represent the range of physical, social, and cultural interests and needs of students
observe ethical codes of responsible journalism
refrain from obscene and defamatory communication in speech, writing, and other modes of expression, including electronic expression, in their interactions with the school community
express themselves in speech, writing, and other modes of expression, including electronic expression in a manner which promotes cooperation and does not interfere with the educational process
assemble in a peaceful manner and respect the decision of students who do not wish to participate
bring to school only those personal possessions which are safe and do not interfere with the learning environment;
adhere to the guidelines established for dress and activities in the school gymnasium, physical education classes, laboratories, and shops
be familiar with the school Discipline Code and abide by school rules and regulations
provide leadership to encourage fellow students to follow established school policies and practices
keep parents informed of school-related matters, including progress in school, social and educational events, and ensure that parents receive communications that are provided by school staff to students for transmittal to their parents
Jupiter Set-Up
Jupiter is our new grading system that most teachers will begin using, please set up an account as soon as possible!
You should've recieved an email with a button to create an account, if you didn't, check your spam/junk folder, then follow these steps below:
Enter Laguardia for the school, New York for the city, and New York for the state.
Click Help Me Login
Enter your email
Go to your email and find the password reset email sent by Jupiter
Set a password and use it with your name/OSIS # to login at in the future
Please do not contact your teachers, Parent Coordinator, or Administrators for login information.
Marking Periods
Term 1
Marking Period 1 - ends October 18
Grades are reported as P, D or F.
P = Passing (71-100)
D = In Danger of Failing (65-70)
F = Failing (0-64)
Marking Period 2 - ends December 6
Grades reported as numeric marks
Passing grades are 65 - 100
Failing grade is reported as 55
Marking Period 3 - ends January 17 (Final grade reported to the transcript)
Grades reported as numeric marks
Passing grades are 65 - 100
Failing grade is reported as 55
Term 2
Marking Period 1 - ends TBD
Grades reported as numeric marks
Passing grades are 65 - 100
Failing grade is reported as 55
Marking Period 2 - ends TBD
Grades reported as numeric marks
Passing grades are 65 - 100
Failing grade is reported as 55
Marking Period 3 - ends TBD (Final grade reported to the transcript)
Grades reported as numeric marks
Passing grades are 65 - 100
Failing grade is reported as 55
Vacation Assignments Policy
Many in the LaG community are unavailable to complete class assignments over a vacation period (which are week long breaks). Teachers wishing to assign work over a vacation should make the assignment “non-location specific” so that a student can complete the assignment anywhere in the world. In addition, assignments should be given no later than 3 days prior to the beginning of the break and can be due no sooner than 3 days after the students return. Please email the department assistant principal if your teacher does not follow this policy.
Coming soon! Submit questions using the student input form.